[Stream video](https://youtu.be/NAcMOM7L6ao)

Stream video

This site is dedicated to all things related to the Test of English for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Start early in your preparation and be consistent so you achieve the minimum score required to graduate. The purpose is to provide English language learners (ELLs) and instructors (who are also ELLs) support for preparing for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The primary goal is to provide support in listening, grammar, and reading sections of the paper-based TOEFL, but also includes areas of production in the areas of speaking and writing. Also, additional support will be provided for the four skills more relevant to the TOEFL iBT.

TOEFL Needs Analysis & Support

Fall 2024 Schedule & Registration


<aside> 💡 Free TOEFL support for UAA teachers and students will be offered in building 211, module 2, room 1 on the UAA main campus beginning in August 29, 2024 until November 28, 2024. If you are interested in taking the TOEFL (in person) class for the fall 2024 semester, please complete this form using your activated Microsoft 365 UAA email: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kuLi4dYhSUi3EE1H2VeK0ItjcCXTT1VEvQ9aSPhTcDNUM01GSUE2S0k5SURCS0lSNkk2SFdURkhWUy4u. For more information, inquire in CAADI (Building 211, Module 1, top floor). When completing the form, indicate which email you plan to use to sign into Notion as this is the email I will use to invite you to the course (in Notion).


<aside> 💡 Once you have registered for the TOEFL Preparation Course, please complete the weekly signup page at least 24 hours before you plan to attend: ‣.


Thursdays from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM beginning August 29, 2024 until November 28, 2024

Language Focus

<aside> 💡

The main language focus is on listening comprehension, grammar, and reading comprehension, which are the sections to the institutional paper-based version of the TOEFL.



Basic structures

Parts of speech | Common sentence structures in English

Intermediate structures

Types of Phrases

Advanced structures