
<aside> 💡 See also Prepositional phrases.


A preposition is a word used in English to express the relationship of a noun or pronoun to other elements of the sentence. It can indicate directions, time, location, spatial relationships, and other abstract types of relationships. Prepositions are essential for constructing meaningful and grammatically correct sentences, as they help provide context and clarity.

Key Functions of Prepositions

  1. Time: Indicate when something happens (e.g., before, during, after).
  2. Place: Show where something is or where something happens (e.g., at, on, in).
  3. Direction: Explain the direction in which something moves (e.g., to, into, towards).
  4. Means or Instrument: Describe how something is done (e.g., by, with).
  5. Purpose: Indicate the purpose or reason for something (e.g., for, about).
  6. Possession: Show possession or belonging (e.g., of).

Common Prepositions in English

Below is a list of commonly used prepositions in English. Note that this list is not exhaustive, as there are many prepositions in the language, each with various uses and meanings: