What are possessive nouns?

Possessive nouns are nouns that show ownership or a relationship between two things. In essence, they answer the question "Whose?"

How are they formed?

  1. Singular Nouns: Add an apostrophe (') and the letter "s"

    Example: The dog's collar

  2. Plural Nouns ending in "s": Add only an apostrophe (')

    Example: The girls' toys

  3. Plural Nouns not ending in "s": Add an apostrophe (') and the letter "s"

    Example: The children's books

  4. Proper Nouns (names): Follow the same rules as above

    Singular Example: Chris's car Plural Example: The Smiths' house

Types and Examples

1. Singular Possessive Nouns:

2. Plural Possessive Nouns (ending in "s"):