A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses (clauses that can stand alone as separate sentences) are joined together with just a comma and without a coordinating conjunction. This is considered a grammatical error in English because the comma alone is not strong enough to connect independent clauses. Here are several ways to correct a comma splice: ### 1. Use a Period - Split the Independent Clauses: Transform the comma splice into two separate sentences using a period. This is a simple and effective way to correct the error. - Example: - Comma Splice: “She completed her essay, she submitted it late.” - Corrected: “She completed her essay. She submitted it late.”

Use a Semicolon

Add a Coordinating Conjunction

Use a Subordinating Conjunction

Use a Dash or Colon

Examples of Correcting Comma Splices

Correcting a comma splice enhances the clarity and grammatical correctness of your writing. Each method of correction offers a slightly different nuance, allowing you to choose the one that best fits the context and desired flow of your text (See Written Discourse).