Countable Nouns

Non-Countable Nouns

Key Differences with Quantifiers

Quantifier Countable Nouns Non-Countable Nouns
Many/Few Many books, few chairs Much water, little time
A few/Several A few apples, several pens A little milk, a bit of sugar
Number + Noun Two dogs, five trees A cup of coffee, a liter of juice
Some/Any Some friends, any questions Some sugar, any advice
A lot of/Lots of A lot of cars, lots of people A lot of money, lots of information

Important Note: Some nouns can be both countable and non-countable depending on context (e.g., "chicken" as an animal or meat).

More examples

Countable Nouns

  1. I saw many dogs at the park today.
  2. There are few people left in the office.
  3. Can I have a few cookies, please?
  4. He bought ten new books for his collection.
  5. We only have a couple of hours before the deadline.
  6. There aren't many options left.
  7. She has several friends coming over for dinner.